In the extremely difficult times that our country is experiencing, ELVIAL responded to the historical conjuncture of the difficult situation, both for Greece and for the whole world and with a sense of responsibility has conducted 5 respirators for the immediate equipment of the Intensive Care Units of the National Health System.

The donation of the 5 state-of-the-art respirators for ICU, aimed to strengthen the National Effort to deal with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus but also to declare its respect for the difficult work of the doctors and nurses of the homeland, which all during this time they make superhuman efforts.

The hospital equipment was offered to immediately cover the needs of Kilkis General Hospital and AHEPA University Hospital in order to cope effectively with the growing and unprecedented conditions created due to the pandemic.

ELVIAL stands with the best of its ability in this "battle" considering the protection of health as the highest good and conveys a big thank you to all those who work daily and tirelessly, offering to the whole society.